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Our family journey started June 19th 2006, with the birth of our first daughter Haley. A beautiful, laid back, little baby with a big personality. She has grown into an amazing, funny, wise, beautiful, laid back young lady. Haley is a unique trip. She is also the best big sister ever to Ashley who joined us september 14th of 2009. BFF's right away, love at first sight.

The road we were walking along hit a huge dip July 2011 when we learned our sweet perfect Haley has a congenital heart defect, actually she has 3. That was a tough dip to cross. But we crossed it coming out knowing Haley would need open heart surgery soon and we can be ok with that. While preparing for surgery we went in for a cardiac catheter. Towards the end of the surgery the surgeon brought us into a little meeting room and in there is where we saw the road we were on flip and twist around. The plan we had for our family, was no longer. August 5 we learned Haley has pulmonary arterial hypertension, and surgery was no longer an option at this point. This is the part we are now. Its a crazy seemingly unreal road but we are on it, moving forward, being held by God.

At 5 years old she has experiences most kids will never have. Haley not only goes through them but she has an understanding of whats happening way beyond her years. She is stronger then I will ever be. I heart Haley.

To learn more about PH visit

So let us rejoice and be glad for this day, we will worry about tomorrow when we get there. (easier said then done!)

Go through the archives to the beginning for the whole story!