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Sunday, January 6, 2013

January 2013

We have the MRI appt tomorrow (Monday). Then we meet with the surgeon at PCH on Friday. Surgery maybe a little later then previously talked about. I start work on the 21st of January. In order to qualify for FMLA (a law that states they cannot fire me for leaving work or being absent because of medical needs) I need to be in a company for 12 months. So I have training for 4 weeks, after that we are just going to pray that they will be super understanding and compassionate to me taking time off for surgery. It is going to be tough. Every other time we have been in the hospital I stayed the whole time, i dont think I ever stepped out of the building. But now I expect to be there during surgery and until she is in the clear, hopefully a day or two. Then I will have to let Nick stay and I will go to work. He can work from the hospital for part of his job. So that helps. it will be good though. Just a big change for me.
Her Doc who is doing the MRI tomorrow, said he will give us some 3d pictures. I will try and post them on here. Hopefully they will help us see whats up rather then me picturing it and then trying to describe it.
Haley has been doing good. She has been getting blue lips more frequently, I am not sure if part of that is from being cold outside. Her cough has been good. And she hasnt had a bloody nose in awhile, knocking on wood. :-)
 I will update after tomorrow.
Doc said we should have MRI info this week, that way the surgeon can see it before we go in to meet him. If this surgeon feels comfortable and positive about the surgery we will do it here. If for any reason he doesnt feel good about it or we dont feel good about him, we will look else where. pray though, going out of state would be EXTREMELY hard at this point in our lives.
ALSO for those of you who have been reading from the beginning, the first surgeon we talked to at PCH who would have basically messed up had other docs not stepped in, is no longer working at PCH. Not sure why but......
Christmas and New Years was great. We got to get away again to the dunes. It was so great. The girls loved sitting by the fire at night all bundled up. Haley was so excited to have a fire and hang out for the "party" on new years, She started passing out around 9. Nick was asleep by 10, but woke up for the switch to 2013 then we all went to bed.
Life has changed. 2013 scares the crap outta me, while also bringing so much HOPE. Thank you for your prayers and continued love.

1 comment:

  1. We will be praying for Haley, and her MRI - and of course for the surgeon...and God's Plan. With all this going on, you even showed up to donate blood for my girl Mia. Sigh...
    Thank you!! We love you guys, praying <3
