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Thursday, September 6, 2012

Getting ready

We planned the cardiac catheter for September 26. It will start at 930 am so they say we will be able to go home. Nick and I will bring an overnight bag.....just in case. They will be starting earlier but it will be a longer surgery because they are going in and getting every bit of info that anyone may possible ever want to know.
Haley is doing well. She is still loving school. She is off oxygen during the day now. We can definitely tell a difference in energy and attitude towards the end of the day. Her bloody noses are coming back. We have only had one so far that was comparable to the ones she had before. Hopefully they just go away. ;-)
We finally had the chance to go camping last weekend. It was really nice to be able to get out of the everyday. Haley and Ashley had a blast on the tri-zinger (a mini ATV with 3 wheels). The girls had a bunch of kids to play with. Nick and I made new friends too! Haleys lips turned blue a few times, Im thinking because of the thin air, but she did well, keeping up with the other kids. Since we were camping we just brought a O2 tank with the conserving device on it, so oxygen only comes out when she breaths in through her nose. Not a good idea. She slept most of the night mouth breathing, so of course I didnt sleep much. She snores, stops breathing and sounds like she is struggling for breath, this is all normal but it is much worse without the oxygen being blown into her nose. So next time, we bring the big machine.
So prayers please for the cath. Obviously that she does awesome, and that we get a direction, wisdom and peace. Thank you all!!

1 comment:

  1. It good to hear she is doing well and loving school:) Thats great that you guys could get out and do some camping! Brandon
