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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Lung Biopsy

Haley went back into surgery about 7:45 this morning. She went back pretty well as usual. She was done about 10. We are back in the room, she is still sleeping. They went in under her arm on her ribcage. She has stitches and a drain tube. The doctor said everything went well and he doesnt fore see any issues. Her O2 was really low when we came in, the nurses were a bit worried about it until we told them she is on oxygen when she sleeps. They put the O2 on and her levels are better. I was about to freak out because for about 20 min I was looking at her heart rate number as her oxygen level... It was 58! I told nick the 60's were not normal, he said no thats right. He obviously wasnt listening. :-)

The doctor just came in and said the next 24 hrs she wil be watched pretty close. He said that is the time frame that a pulmonary crisis is most likely to happen, if it happens at all. Haley is pretty tough. I dont think any of us quite understand how amazing she is. How she goes through all this with very little emergencies, close to no complaining.

Ok well when we first got in to the room, the nurse showed me what I thought was the site they went in at and the drain tube site. Well come to find out i was wrong. She has a 3 to 4 inch cut in her back. Poor baby. She woke up and was pissed. and in pain. I got her back to sleep. This is going to be a rough night! ill update more later.

Its later. They dont have her medicine and cannot get it for a few days. That frusterates me. They aksed us you didnt bring any? No we were told during our second stay here, they were not allowed to use medicine we bring from home. We were told that again during another stay when we waited until 1 pm for them to get her 8am meds. I believe I will ask the doctor to call the hospital pharamcy to make sure they order it a few days before we come in.

She is breathing really shallow, because it hurts. when she gets worked up it gets even more shallow and her O2 levels drop to the 70's. while being on oxygen. We are trying to give her pain meds but they are not lasting too long. As soon as she can eat food they can give her oral meds and they said those last longer.

So we told Haley she could have some jello. Haleys been groggy, restless, uncomfortable and in pain all day, so the smiles are pretty much not showing up. But when the nurse walked in with 2 jellos and 2 apple juices. I looked at Haley and her lips were twitching, it took me a second to realize she was trying to smile. it was one of the best part of the day. So we got to see a tiny smile today!

If anything changes I will update.

15 min later......They have the meds!

1 comment:

  1. Wow Kassie, that's a lot for her and you guys to go thru. Thanks for sharing all this. You guys are on my mind a lot. Maybe we can see each other sometime soon. Sounds like you are a busy woman with starting work. I pray for you guys often. Please let me know if you need anything.
